Pedaltrak 1.7.4

Release Overview

  • New Power Zone target analysis (more below)

  • Bug fix: “Just Run” showed up on cycling bingo card

  • Minor bug fixes

⚡️ New Power Zone Target Analysis ⚡️

Pelotrak now shows how accurately you stay within the Power Zone targets for a given Power Zone ride. When you take a PZ ride, you will now see insights such as the one below in your insights section.

If you have three or more consecutive PZ rides with 100% accuracy, you are starting a PZ Streak and Pedaltrak will tell you about how long that streak is as part of the insights as well.

This refers to how accurately you have been at staying within the target zones, as identified by the blue line in the chart:

Details and Caveats

How is the zone accuracy calculated?

  • If you stay on the target zone all the time, your accuracy is 100%

  • If you went above 5% of the time and below 2% of the time, your accuracy is 93%

  • Warm up and cool down sections at the beginning and the end of the ride are not counted

  • Zone 1 and SpinUps are not counted

  • A grace period of several seconds is given when switching between zones

Which rides qualify?

  • All PZ rides at least 20 minutes long with target zone data provided by Peloton - unfortunately, for technical reasons, the Pelotrak community target data cannot be used for this feature

How does the PZ Streak work?

  • If you have 3 or more PZ rides with a score of 100% in a row, you get a streak.

  • You must do at least one qualifying PZ ride every 30 days to maintain the streak.

  • You can take other, non-PZ rides between PZ rides, they will not impact the PZ Streak

  • If the PZ accuracy cannot be calculated for a given PZ ride (e.g. Peloton does not provide target data for that ride), that ride is skipped and does not impact the Streak.


Pedaltrak Beta Status